सन् १९११ मे १३ का दिन करिब साढे छ बजे नेपालका तत्कालीन राजा पृथ्वीवीरविक्रम शाहले काठमाडौं सहरको केन्द्र टुँडीखेलस्थित स्विच खोलेर नेपालको पहिलो तथा दक्षिण एसियाको दोस्रो जलविद्युतको उद्घाटन गरे । तत्कालीन प्रधानमन्त्री चन्द्रशमशेर राणाका नाममा स्थापित चन्द्र ज्योति हाइड्रोपावर स्टेसनको क्षमता ५०० किलोवाट थियो । यसलाई बनाउन चार वर्ष र करिब १० लाख दिनको काम लागेको थियो । निरङ्कुश राणाशासकका दरबारमा बिजुली बाल्न बनाइएको यो पावर स्टेसनले काठमाडौंदेखि दक्षिण १२ किमि दूरीमा रहेका पानीका दुई स्रोत उपयोग गथ्र्यो ।
यो जलविद्युत् गृह अमेरिकास्थित एपल्टन, विस्कन्सिनको फक्स नदीमा सन् १८८२ मा बनाइएको संसारको पहिलो जलविद्युत् गृह (प्लान्ट)को ३० वर्षपछि र सन् १९१२ मा युनान प्रान्तमा चीनले बनाएको पहिलो जलविद्युत् गृह (प्लान्ट)को एक वर्षअघि बनाइएको थियो ।
छिट्टै सुरूवात गरे तापनि नेपालले जलविद्युत् उत्पादनमा द्रुत प्रगति गर्न भने सकेन । यसले २८ वर्षपछि मात्र दोस्रो जलविद्युत् आयोजना निर्माण ग¥यो । काठमाडौंको उत्तरपूर्वमा सन् १९३९ मा ६४० किलोवाट क्षमताको दोस्रो जलविद्युत् आयोजना निर्माण गरिएको थियो । यो साधारण जनतालाई जलविद्युत् उपलब्ध गराउनभन्दा पनि निरङ्कुश राणाशासकलाई विलासिताको जीवन यापन गर्न सघाउन बनाइएको थियो । नेपालले पहिलो ५० वर्षमा जम्मा ५० मेगावाट बिजुली उत्पादन गरेको थियो ।
पछिल्लो एक सय वर्षमा नेपालको जलविद्युत् विकास एकदम सुस्त छ । अहिले जम्मा १४४० मेगावाट जलविद्युत् मात्र उत्पादन भइरहेको छ । देशलाई आवश्यक एकतिहाई ऊर्जा दक्षिणी छिमेकी भारतबाट आयात गरेर पूर्ति गरिएको छ ।
दुःखद कुरा, सबैभन्दा पुरानो जलविद्युतको इतिहास करिबकरिब बिरर्सिसकिएको छ । यो अहिले काठमाडौं उपत्यकाको दक्षिणी भागका बासिन्दालाई खानेपानी प्रदान गर्न मात्र प्रयोग भइरहेको छ । सन् २०११ मा यसलाई नेपाल सरकारले जीवित सम्पदा घोषणा गरेको थियो । तर यसलाई संरक्षण गर्न खासै केही गरिएको छैन । पुरानो दरबार र अतिथि गृहहरु चर्किएका वा भत्किएका छन् । पावर स्टेसनको राम्रो सम्भार गरिएको छैन । त्यहाँ पुग्ने बाटो पूरा हुन बाँकी नै छ । खिया लागेका धातुका पाइप पानी भण्डारण पोखरी वरिपरि असरल्ल छन् । एक जना स्थानीयले भने झैं “हामी नेपालीले महत्वपूर्ण चीजको मूल्य बुझ्दैनौं ।”
![Reservoir pond of the hydropower project in Pharping, 12 kilometres south of Kathmandu valley [image by: Ramesh Bhushal]](https://dialogue.earth/content/uploads/2021/02/untitled-02.jpg)
![Rusted pipes that transport water from the pond to the powerhouse and the city of Kathmandu [image by: Ramesh Bhushal]](https://dialogue.earth/content/uploads/2021/02/untitled-03.jpg)
![Raj Kumar Shrestha and Kanchha Balami stand for morning chat next to the metal pipe near to their houses. ‘We were not allowed to touch these pipes back then as said by our father. There used to be a person who used to ride horse and do surveillance of these pipes day and night,’ recalled Kancha Balami about the early days of the project [image by: Ramesh Bhushal]](https://dialogue.earth/content/uploads/2021/02/untitled-004.jpg)
![An old house stands just next to the metal pipe of the hydropower project [image by: Ramesh Bhushal]](https://dialogue.earth/content/uploads/2021/02/untitled-04.jpg)
![Children from Sokhel village where the hydropower project is located go to school by using slippery and narrow pathways as a short cut [image by: Ramesh Bhushal]](https://dialogue.earth/content/uploads/2021/02/untitled-05.jpg)
![Ram Hari Khatri of Sokhel village selling oranges from his house to the visitors who come to see the hydropower station [image by: Ramesh Bhushal]](https://dialogue.earth/content/uploads/2021/02/untitled-06.jpg)
![Temporary brick made bed and tin sheet inside one of the guest houses where some labourers recently slept while constructing staff quarters for the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA). NEA handles the main power station that was declared as a living museum in 2010 by the government of Nepal [image by: Ramesh Bhushal]](https://dialogue.earth/content/uploads/2021/02/untitled-07.jpg)
![54 year old Kumar Acharya sits on the door of the cracked guest house. He has been guarding the property and is an employee of Nepal Electricity Authority [image by: Ramesh Bhushal]](https://dialogue.earth/content/uploads/2021/02/untitled-008.jpg)
![Abandoned guest house near the power station. This house used to be guest house for the guests of autocratic Rana rulers who used to come to spend time near the hydropower station [image by: Ramesh Bhushal]](https://dialogue.earth/content/uploads/2021/02/untitled-08.jpg)
![The Chandra Jyoti Hydropower station located a few hundred metres away from the Bagmati river that flows through Kathmandu city [image by: Ramesh Bhushal]](https://dialogue.earth/content/uploads/2021/02/untitled-09.jpg)
![One of the generators and electrical parts kept to show the visitors in the hydropower station [image by: Ramesh Bhushal]](https://dialogue.earth/content/uploads/2021/02/untitled-010.jpg)
![One of the generators of the hydropower station which is not in operation but is kept for visitors [image by: Ramesh Bhushal]](https://dialogue.earth/content/uploads/2021/02/untitled-011.jpg)
![The switchboard of the water supply system that currently fetches water to the southern part of the Kathmandu valley. The water that was used for the electricity generation is now used for drinking water supply. The staff of the water supply department sleep next to the water supply switchboard during the night to guard the system [image by: Ramesh Bhushal]](https://dialogue.earth/content/uploads/2021/02/untitled-012.jpg)
![The first house that was provided with electricity in Khokana, located a few kilometres away from the power station. The Ranas wanted to test whether it was safe to use it before installing the wires into their palaces, so they provided electricity to Madan Krishna Maharjan’s house in Khokana village. The house on the right is now abandoned as its walls were cracked during the 2015 earthquake. But a board above the door reads, "Welcome to the Khokana Museum, this is the first house with electric light provided in Nepal" [image by: Ramesh Bhushal]](https://dialogue.earth/content/uploads/2021/02/untitled-13.jpg)