two birds perched on a twig and sharing food

Republishing policy

Our mission is to promote a common understanding of the world’s urgent environmental challenges. As part of this, we encourage you to share our content under the following guidelines.

Unless otherwise stated, all our written content comes under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY NC ND) licence. 

Under this licence, you can republish the text of our articles online or in print. Different terms apply for images and other multimedia content within articles (see the multimedia section below for these terms).

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Multimedia content

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Image © Creator’s name


Any photos or graphics (whether static or interactive) that are either unattributed, branded with our logo or that contain “Dialogue Earth” in the attribution belong to us and are published under the same Creative Commons licence as our written content.

Attributions will appear as:
Image: Dialogue Earth or Image: Creator’s name / Dialogue Earth

This content can be republished and re-used either along with the article in which it appears or independently of the written content, as long as the licence terms are respected. If republished along with the original article, please retain the original attribution. If re-used independently of the written content, please provide a clear attribution, with clickable links, alongside the item following this format: Creator’s name / Dialogue Earth, CC BY NC ND

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Image: Creator’s name / Source or Organisation, CC BY (or following this format)

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Unless otherwise stated, the videos on our site belong to us. We encourage you to share and re-work our video content. As such, all our videos are released under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (CC BY NC) licence. This means you can republish, re-use and edit our videos as long as you credit both Dialogue Earth and the video’s creators, and do not use the content for commercial purposes. 

For example, if you would like to republish this video, please clearly display the following attribution: This Dialogue Earth film was directed by Lucinda Rouse, filmed by Emilie Iob, and edited by Emilie Iob and Lizi Hesling. It was released under the Creative Commons BY NC licence.

Re-worked video content should be credited in the same way.

For access to our video files or to clipreels of the footage used, please contact our multimedia team:


Our podcasts are released under the same Creative Commons licence as our written content and can be republished and re-used (but not changed) either along with the accompanying written content or independently, as long as the licence terms are respected.

Some of the podcasts that appear on our site are made in collaboration with Sustainable Asia. If republishing these along with the written content, please attribute both Dialogue Earth and Sustainable Asia. For example: This podcast by Sustainable Asia was originally published on Dialogue Earth under the Creative Commons BY NC ND licence.  

If you would like to republish a Sustainable Asia podcast independently of the written content, please contact them directly via their website.

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