Developing world growth ‘accelerates climate change’

The growth of developing economies in Asia, Africa and South America is accelerating global warming far beyond official predictions, the Observer reported a UK-based energy supplier as saying on Sunday.

The warning, which has shocked environment campaigners, came from the chief executive of Aggreko, a global temporary power supplier. "The threat of global warming is far greater than people have previously thought," Rupert Soames said. "The consensus figure on the world’s power consumption going forward to 2015 is simply wrong."

The International Energy Authority (IEA) says the annual growth rate in the planet’s power consumption will be 3.3% until 2015, but the
Aggreko study puts this figure at 5%.

Asked about possible solutions, Soames is a strong advocate of nuclear power. "If the world is serious about making an impact against global warming," the report quoted him as saying, "then just turn the worst 150 polluters around the world into clean nuclear stations and the effect would be the same if you immediately took every single car in the world off the road."

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