Ghost fishing nets, fishing nets and plastic bottles floating on the sea


Focusing on global ocean stewardship through fisheries management, marine conservation, and climate resilience

Focus on fisheries

Juvenile sergeant major damselfish clustered under buoy Article

The fight over fish attractors in the Indian Ocean

With thousands of ‘fish aggregating devices’ adrift, restrictions could be coming – but not before a looming political fight
A translucent squid hands from a fishing line at night Photo Story

In Indonesia, tin mining threatens an age-old fishing tradition

The islanders of Bangka Belitung, off Sumatra, have long hunted squid for sustenance and trade, but some fear this is being imperilled by mining
Aerial view of a rocky island surrounded by blue ocean waters Article

Restoring China’s vanishing oyster reefs

China has begun protecting and re-establishing its oyster reefs, one of the world’s most endangered marine habitats, but challenges remain
woman standing in shallow water Article

Imperilled by ocean acidification: Senegal’s shellfish sector

Climate change is altering the chemistry of West African waters, and local harvesters are paying the price