half view of elephant face close up

Reel Talk: Climate Stories of Southeast Asia

Dialogue Earth invites you to enter our first-ever Instagram reel contest, in collaboration with Emmy award winner Pailin Wedel! Before you start filming, please take a moment to review the guidelines below. We can’t wait to see what you come up with—good luck!
Eligibility: Open to young or aspiring journalists aged 18-25 living in Southeast Asia.
Submission deadline: 11:59 pm (GMT +1), October 31st 2024

Submission Guidelines


Create an Instagram reel reporting on one way climate change is impacting your local community and surroundings and/or how local initiatives are looking to mitigate/adapt to the impacts. 

Be curious, journalistic, and truthful. Centralise local stories and voices, and use data and interviews to support your investigation where possible. Here are a few topics for your consideration:

  • Environmental changes such as extreme weather, rising sea levels, biodiversity loss, water resources
  • Impact on agriculture and food security
  • Health impacts such as air quality, heat-related illness
  • Social and economic impacts such as migration and displacement, impact on tourism or livelihoods
  • Impact on local culture and tradition
  • Adaptation and Mitigation efforts, such as community initiatives and innovative solutions

Content format

  • One video with a maximum length of up to two minutes.
  • The video should be in vertical format (9:16) with HD quality.
  • Submissions can be in any local language, but all videos must provide English subtitles.
  • The video can be in the form of:
    • Documentary that tells a complete story from start to finish.
    • Interview-focused centred around interviews with individuals who have firsthand experience or expertise in the topic.
    • Narrative storytelling through a narrated script, combining visuals and voiceover.
    • Explainer video that breaks down a complex issue into understandable parts using animations or graphics.
    • A field report from the field covers an event or issue as it unfolds.


Your safety is important to us. Please do not create content that will put you or others at risk, socially or politically.

Submission Instructions 

Step 1: Tag three friends in the comments of our Instagram announcement post and share it to your story.

Step 2: Create a maximum 2-minute reel reporting on a local climate impact, and add English subtitles.

Step 3: Upload you video to Instagram, use the hashtag #SEAClimateStories, and tag both @dialogue.earth & @pailiner in the caption.

Step 4: Share source links for facts/data from your video via this survey. You can learn more about fact checking here.

Entry Requirements

  • Originality: All entries must be original works created by the participant.
  • Relevance: Entries should focus on environmental challenges, solutions, or a positive aspect of the community.
  • Permissions:
    • The winner must obtain permission from any individuals appearing in their submission and ensure that their submission does not infringe on any third-party rights.
    • In the event of a violation, Dialogue Earth reserves the right to disqualify the winner. To confirm compliance, Dialogue Earth may require the winner to sign a form verifying that all necessary permissions have been obtained and that no third-party rights have been infringed.

Judging Criteria

  • Relevance to Theme: How well does the entry address the environmental theme in Southeast Asia?
  • Creativity and Innovation: The originality and creativity of the content.
  • Impact: The potential impact of the story or idea on raising awareness or driving change.
  • Quality: The overall quality of the submission in terms of storytelling, visuals, and clarity.


All five finalists will be invited to participate in a 2-hour online group workshop, led by Emmy-winner Pailin Wedel. Conducted in English, this workshop will dive into impactful storytelling, ethical journalism, breaking into the international scene, and much more!

All finalists will receive a certificate of acknowledgement.

One overall winner will also receive a $200 equipment voucher to boost their multimedia journalism and their winning story will be showcased across Dialogue Earth’s social media platforms, reaching a global audience.

Privacy and Data Protection

Personal information provided by participants will be used solely for the purposes of administering the contest and will not be shared with third parties without consent.

Handling Offensive Content:

Dialogue Earth is committed to maintaining a respectful and positive environment. If a participant posts content that is deemed offensive, inappropriate, or in violation of our community standards and tags Dialogue Earth, we reserve the right to take the following actions:

  • Request Removal: Dialogue Earth will contact the participants and request that they remove the tag associated with our organisation.
  • Report to Platform: If the participant refuses to comply, or if the content is particularly egregious, Dialogue Earth may report the post to the social media platform (e.g., Instagram) for further action, including the possible removal of the post.
  • Disassociation: Dialogue Earth will publicly disassociate itself from the content by issuing a statement, if necessary, and will ensure that the offensive content does not appear on any of our official channels.

By participating in the contest, participants agree to adhere to these standards and understand the actions Dialogue Earth may take in the event of a violation.

General Conditions

Compliance: All participants must comply with these Terms and Conditions.

Disqualification: Dialogue Earth reserves the right to disqualify any entry that does not comply with the rules or that is deemed inappropriate or offensive.

Modification: Dialogue Earth reserves the right to modify or cancel the contest at any time if circumstances arise beyond its control.

Contact Information

For any inquiries regarding the contest, please contact us at [email protected]

Agreement to Terms

By entering the contest, participants agree to abide by all the terms and conditions outlined above.

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