Poor want more help in climate fight

Developing nations at the United Nations climate talks in Poznan, Poland called on rich nations to increase their aid to help poorer countries cope with global warming and safeguard tropical forests, Reuters reported. UN officials stressed that the current financial slowdown did not erase the need to invest in climate control measures.


"I think it’s really important, especially in the context of the financial crisis, to see how we can craft a Copenhagen agreement that makes it clear how financial resources will be generated," Yvo de Boer, head of the UN Climate Change Secretariat, said. "It’s imperative that the level of financing is up to the challenge, that’s the basic starting point," said Odenbreit Carvalho, a Brazilian foreign ministry official.


Developing nations say they will require significant investment from wealthier nations to help deal with global warming and adapt to changes such as floods, droughts, more powerful cyclones and rising seas. Wealthy nations have said they will help, but only a small number have made pledges. Several poor nations, including Democratic Republic of Congo, Suriname and Papua New Guinea, have asked rich nations to help them to preserve tropical forests.


The December 1 to 12 UN climate talks are a meeting of 10,700 delegates meant to serve as a half-way point in negotiations for a new climate treaty by the end of 2009 in Copenhagen.


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