2012 Environmental Press Awards are open


The selection process for the 2012 Environmental Press Awards, organised by China Dialogue and The Guardian, has begun. The awards, which are open to Chinese journalists, aim to promote objective, fair and in depth reporting, to raise the standard of environmental journalism, recognise excellent environmental reporting and advance the development of China’s environmental sector.

23 awards were selected for the environmental journalism awards in 2010 and 2011.

At the end of 2011, preparations for our third Environmental Press Awards began. This time, sina.com is also organising the event.All of the prizes are exclusively funded by the Social Entrepeneur and Ecology foundation (SSE Foundation). We look forward to reading your entries! 

Conditions of entry:  

You may submit articles related to the environment, published in print or online media in the form of articles or images in mainland China or Hong Kong before 31st December, 2012.  

Making your submission:  

Articles may be recommended by media groups, colleagues or the writers themselves. Please email your submissions in electronic format to zhou.wei at chinadialogue.net (To help protect us from spam, please replace (at) with @ when addressing email.) before 3rd February 2012. Along with your article(s), please briefly explain the importance of the topic and the impact of the article after publication.  

Dates of entry:  

December, 2011, to February 3, 2012. 


The following prizes will be awarded: “Journalist of the year”, “best in-depth report”, “biggest impact”, “best scoop”, “best science report” , and “best citizen journalist” etc. Prize titles can be adjusted based on the work sent.

The total prize money is £10,000, in which £2,000 will go to the annual best journalist, and £1,000 for the winners of each of the other featured prize categories.


Lu Zhi, Professor at Peking University.
Yuen Ying Chan, Director of Hong Kong University’s School of Journalism.
Jonathan Watts, The Guardian’s Asia environmental correspondent.
Zhou Xiaopeng, Sina Director and deputy editor 
Wang Jing, Supervisor of the SEE Foundation
Feng Yongfeng,: Founder of Green Beagle, writer and journalist.
Liu Jianqiang, China Dialogue’s Beijing editor. 

Related activities and publicity:  

China Dialogue will translate the winning articles and publish them in both Chinese and English on chinadialogue.net and in our bi-monthly print journal. The Guardian will also publish an article about the awards. Comments from the public will be collected through Weibo, a Chinese social media outlet.
In April 2012, there will be an awards ceremony and following seminar, to which celebrated Chinese and non-Chinese environmental journalists and figures from the environmental world will be invited.
