Transport threat to climate – UN report

Greater use of cars and planes will push up greenhouse-gas emissions in coming decades, Reuters reported a draft U.N. report as saying.
"Transport activity is expected to grow robustly over the next several decades," according to a summary of a draft report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The summary, to be issued on May 4 in Bangkok at a meeting of scientists and more than 100 governments, says efforts to curb emissions from transport "are faced with many barriers" despite options such as new engine technologies or biofuels.

Transport, mostly trucks and cars, accounted for 26% of total world energy use in 2004 and "projections foresee a continued growth in world transportation energy use by 2% a year, with energy use and carbon emissions about 80% above 2002 levels by 2030.

Greater use of cars and planes will push up greenhouse-gas emissions in coming decades

Photo by vizzo